800 B.C. - 1000 A.D. Greek and Roman Civilization
Claudius Galen experimented on animals to learn the internal workings of the body. He invented using the pulse and wrote books on anatomy. Galen believed you had to control your passions such as anger, or it would create a type of madness. -
Aug 1, 1478
800 B.C. - 1000 A.D. Greek and Roman Civilization
Psychological beliefs shifted toward spiritual and religious views. The belief that angry gods inhabited the body making a person seem insane. Aaulus Cornelius Celsus believed you had to use force to scare the god out of the body to retain your sanity. -
Aug 23, 1563
300 A.D. - 1500 A.D. The Middle (Dark) Ages
Johann Weyer believed natural illnesses caused abnormal behavior. He formed the basis for humanitarian approaches for the mentally ill. -
17th, 18th, and 19th Centuries
Vincenzo Chiarugi gave his patients work opportunities, and created hygiene and recreation standards. -
Phineas Gage Personality breakthrough
Phineas Gage had an iron pole pierce his brain. Psychologists learned that a portion of the brain played a role in ones personality. Gage's intellect remained but his personality changed as a result of his accident. -
Neurological disorder associated with Language
Carl Wernicke published works on the frontal lobe. He found that damage to certain areas caused the inability for producing language and understanding. -
First Formal Lab of Psychology
Wilhelm Wundt founded the first psychology lab beginning the study of human emotions, behaviors and cognitions. -
National Committee for Mental Hygiene Founded
Clifford Beers was confined to an asylum after a breakdown. As a result of his treatment he founded the National Committee for Mental Hygiene. Beers wanted to help prevent mental illness and ensure humane treatment. -
Psychological Tests
Psychological testing became available in clinics and doctor offices increasing availability for treatment of patients. -
Chlorpromazine used in treatment of Schizophrenia
Chlorpromazine or Thorazine was first used in the treatment of schizophrenic patients. It was believed to be a great breakthrough dramatically improving patients behaviors. -
Development of Depression
Aaron Beck suggested an individuals thoughts play a significant role in the development of depression. Beck performed many experiments testing the psychoanalytic concepts of depression. depression. -
Creation of New Freedom Commission on Mental Health
President George W. Bush promoted legislation to guarantee comprehensive mental health coverage. As a result screenings for possible mental illnesses and emotional disturbances were started with the intention of being able to provide support services and therapy or treatments for their conditions.