
Historical Top 10

  • 1. First public school in America (1635)

    1. First public school in America (1635)
    The establishment of the first public school in American is significant for it open the door of public school in American.
  • 2. Education becomes the responsibility of the states when the 10th amendment is ratified (1791)

    2. Education becomes the responsibility of the states when the 10th amendment is ratified (1791)
    It means every states will need to support its education and from then the education policy to each state may be different.
  • 3. The formation of the first teacher's union/association (1857)

    3. The formation of the first teacher's union/association (1857)
    The formation of this association call the people to notice the salary of teacher, the education of emancipated slaves and the safe of the children, which plays important role in American education history.
  • 4. The first department of education is founded (1867)

    4. The first department of education is founded (1867)
    This is the first related department with education, which education will be managed and supervision by this department.
  • 5. Plessy v Ferguson court case- legalized segregation in public schools (1896)

    5. Plessy v Ferguson court case- legalized segregation in public schools (1896)
    It spread the idea segregation but equal, which means the school of white and American African should have the same school condition.
  • 6. Children in all states must attend schools (1918)

    6. Children in all states must attend schools (1918)
    with the development of compulsory education, all children in American actually get the chance to study.
  • 7. Brown vs Board of Education court case- overturned Plessy v. Ferguson and banned segregation in schools (1954)

    It is remarkable because from this time, the students can attend the same school without the obstruction of race.
  • 8. The first online high school is created (1994)

    8. The first online high school is created (1994)
    It marked that the technology was applied in education and played important role from that time.
  • 9. All schools in America have access to the internet in some way (2003) 

    9. All schools in America have access to the internet in some way (2003) 
    The internet was widely used in the education and the traditional teaching way was challenged.
  • 10. The Common Core State Standards is created (2009)

    10. The Common Core State Standards is created (2009)
    It put forward some core standards to the American curriculum and some requirement to the education of students.