First Attempt to Teach Mentally Retarded Children
Dr.Jean-Marc Itard and Dr.Edouard Seguin were the first two individuals to attempt to teach mentally retarded children A note on policy -
Classes for Children with Disabilities Stir
In urban communities there started to stir the possibility of having classes for children with disabilities Beverly Schools -
The Council for Exceptional Children was founded
The Council was founded to start organizing teachers that could teach children with disabilities CEC Official Website -
Association of Retarded Citizens Formed
The Start of Special Programs for Children with Exceptionalities
In certain states, such as California and Illinois, special programs for children with exceptionalities were beginning All Education -
the United Cerebral Palsy Association formed
Apgar test Developed
Brown vs. Board of Education
Movement to Study Effects of Environment Began
Around 1960, a movement began to discover how the environment played a role in effecting exceptionalities Learning Disabilities and the Environment -
the Association for Children with Learning Disabilities Formed
Public Law (PL) 88-164
Gives funding for training professionals to work with children with special needs Official Law -
Civil Rights Act
the Handicapped Children’s Early Education Assistance Act
Rehabilitation Act
the Education for All Handicapped Children Act Passed
the Education for All Handicapped Children Act to Effect
Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences
PL 99–457 Education of the Handicapped Act Amendment Made
Extended age to as early as birth IDEA -
Shift to Understanding how Hereditary and Environment Interact
There was a shift in understanding to realize how the effects of the environment effect hereditary factors. Genetic and Enviroment Interact -
Americans with Disabilities Act
No Child Left Behind Act
Initial Goals of Human Genome Project Reached
The international project resulting in discoveries that included discoveries related to children with exceptionalities. Genome -
Making more quality personnel, setting IEP standards, and providing transition services. What is an IEP? -
Every Student Succeeds Act