
Historical Timeline of Key Events That Shaped Public Education

  • Child Study Movement

    Child Study Movement
    The child study movement was a breakthrough for education to see how a child's brain and mind work. Related to education, it taught psychologists how to teach children and different ways children learned. Psychologists learned teachers needed to meet the needs of students as well as aligning curriculum with the different stages of development of children. Stanley Hall helped shift the focus from curriculum to students.
  • Free Public Education

    Free Public Education
    By 1918, all schools in America have put mandatory attendance in place as well as a free public education to students in elementary levels.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    The U.S Supreme Court decided that "separate but equal" was "unequal" and started the process of desegregation schools across the nation. It was decided that public schools were not equal and deprived minorities of equal education opportunities.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
    Elementary and Secondary Education Act passed by Congress and Lyndon Johnson, provided funds to education. It held states responsible for schools and providing funds for low-income schools. It provided funds for programs such as Head Start to provide students of low income / disadvantages interventions in social development, reading, math, preparing them for school.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act (PL 94-142)

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act (PL 94-142)
    Important as it gave rights to those with disabilities. It gave them education rights like everyone else and allow them a free public education and in the least restrictive environment. This allowed them to be integrated into general education classroom settings as well as be included in a public school. This law was a defining moment of including everyone in a public education setting. Before, those with disabilities would have to go to a special school and not always receive proper education.