Scientific Management-Fredrick Taylor
Scientific management started best practices in teaching. "Teachers had to identify actual learning outcomes and take measurements to determine whether students had achieved those outcomes." (Page 143 5-2c) Teachers had to design a curriculum where students could be successful, and meet the outcomes that were in place for them to achieve. Scientific management pushed teachers to learn how to critically assess themselves on the curriculum they were teaching; does my curriculum fit the students? -
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas
Separate but equal is/was not equal. Excluding children based on the color of their skin was not building students to succeed in the democratic society. Segregated schools were disassembled because they were proving children were losing their desire to learn. Once they became disassembled all children, by law, were given access to equal educational opportunities. All students, no matter their race or ethnicity deserve the right to an equal opportunity to succeed in education. -
IDEA and Free and Appropriate Public Education
IDEA, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, allowed students with disabilities from the ages of 3 to 21 to receive "Free and Appropriate Education". Students would be put into classrooms regardless of their disability, and taught curriculum that fit their needs with other children. The children with disabilities wouldn't be hidden from the other students any longer. This became the beginning to inclusive classrooms, which is a benefit for children with disabilities and other children. -
Child Study Movement- Stanley G. Hall
Children all develop at different rates, and teachers need to adjust the curriculum to fit the child's needs; not their own. Shaping and controlling their learning will not make the students learn because it needs to be real and relevant to what they are interested in for them to retain the information. This is why teachers must center the curriculum around the child. -
No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
States, districts, and schools were held accountable for their students learning. Schools were required to desegregate their annual testing data because the government wanted to see if EVERY grade was learning the information they needed to. The government wanted to see if the school was allowing equal opportunities for all students. NCLB helped the country realize all children deserve an education no matter their societal class, religion, race, or ethnicity.