Horace Mann's 4th Annual Report
Horace Mann argued for smaller school districts to integrate into larger districts to help end social and economic class differences so that schools can become a "great equalizer" (Kaplan, 2015, p.128). He also argued that strongly for women to get schooling.This was extremely important as he was one of the first to formally advocate for all people to get equal opportunities to education and for a their futures. -
The Cardinal Principles Report of 1918
This report decided that learning should become more individualized to allow a student to plan for their career goals, yet still having the core subjects to learn from. This report was said to have "established a blueprint for the modern comprehensive school"(Kaplan, 2015, pg. 142). This changed from the idea that every mind should learn the same way and it opened doors to look at new ideas of how to educate children. -
The Great Depression
The Great Depression gave the idea to Franklin Delano Roosevelt that the main issue in the Great Depression was that there were not enough people working, instead of the education system. This resulted in a better system as organizations invested in education for their benefit. For example, the Works Progress Administration gave money to schools for hot lunches for students and to hire more teachers; and the National Youth Administration provided work study programs for students. -
The Coleman Report
The Coleman Report was significant to education because it was the first finding into why students may not be succeeding, which has to do with their living background with their socioeconomic standing and their race and family backgrounds. This shifted research into finding ways for students to still succeed despite these circumstances and it focused research on student achievement instead of school policies. -
No Child Left Behind Act
George W. Bush signed for standardized tests and for reports with separate data on all subgroups to make sure everyone was getting an equal chance for a better education. He also signed that highly qualified teachers should be available for each core subject, bringing the standards of hiring up.This also caused a downward shift in education as teachers who did not get high enough test scores for their students would get paid less, which caused more of a shortage in teachers.