Historical Timeline of all of the Historical History available for History where we learn Historical History

  • The Zimmerman Telegram

  • The Invention of the Model T

  • The WWI Armistice

  • The 19th Amendment

    Woman's Rights!! (Ratification Date)
  • Charles Lindbergh’s Flight

  • Black Thursday

  • Period: to

    The New Deal

  • Hitler becomes chancellor

  • Period: to

    The Munich Pact

  • Period: to

    Hitler Invades Poland

  • Pearl Harbor

  • D-Day

  • Period: to

    Hiroshima & Nagasaki

  • The formation of United Nations

  • The Long Telegram

  • The formation of NATO

  • Russians acquire the Atomic Bomb

    The Date I put is of when they detonated it. They acquired it just in 1949
  • Period: to

    The Korean War

  • Period: to

    Brown v Board of Education

  • Period: to

    The Vietnam War

  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat

  • Period: to

    The Cuban Missile Crisis

  • JFK’s Assassination

  • The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

  • Period: to

    The Apollo 11 Moon Landing

  • The Watergate Break-ins

  • Nixon’s Resignation

  • The invention of the Internet

  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

  • The 9/11 Attacks

  • Period: to

    Covid-19 Pandemic

    I wrote the end date as when the US was officially out of the pandemic mode. But it's still an ongoing issue, there just is no national security lockdown happening. People are still getting sick everywhere