Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
The inequality of educational opportunity for underprivileged children and provided resources to help ensure that disadvantaged students had access to quality education. The ESEAct was also called War on Poverty. http://www.wrightslaw.com/law/art/history.spec.ed.law.htm#sthash.tZvHqbEa.dpuf The inverse relationship between student achievement and school poverty and low income households are low achievers and considerable educational deprivations associated with child poverty. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
This ensures that handicapped children in public schools will get one free meal each school day and and will have just access to an education. The schools that must provide this are those that accept federal funds for operations. The special education services will available to children who need, fair, and appropriate. They will establish specific management and auditing requirements for special education and to provide federal funds to help the states educate disabled students. -
No Child Left Behind Act
The law prioritizes education and attempts to give equal educational opportunities to all students in the United States. http://www.ehow.com/about_5085381_history-child-left-behind-act.html
No matter which school a child attends, the academic standards the child must meet are the same. Schools are required to give yearly standardized tests and ensure that students meet specific academic benchmarks within a certain time frame.