Old school bus

Historical Timeline

  • Father of the Common School

    Father of the Common School
    Horace Mann’s place and effect on the history of American education paved the way for universal and free education. Where would we be today if Horace Mann did not fight for the common school. Kaplan and Owings (2015) stated that "Mann called for publicly supported, publicly controlled "common school" that would be open to all students regardless of race, class, or gender" (p. 128). All though race within are schools were not equal this led the way to fight for integrated school down the line.
  • Progressive Education

    Progressive Education
    John Dewey started the educational improvement which was not named till recently progressive. Dewey belief in learning best in real life experiences is what helped take us away from the standard lectures. According Kaplan and Owings(2015) "Dewey regarded the traditional curriculum undemocratic" (p. 139). Dewey's beliefs so long ago is still impacting the way we are educated. He focused on the children not the subjects. In 1905 hands on learning was fought for.
  • Desgregation

    Many men and women fought to desegregate schools which would eventually fulfill Horace Mann's view of a school open to all. The brown legacy continued to be fought for through numerous states and courts and is one of the most historic parts of our education and history. This event is important since the fight continued so long throughout our history and in some cases is still being fought for today.
  • Technology

    Technology has continued to develop and change our education opportunities as we know it. Without technology education would be frozen in time. "The internet’s emergence linked computers and technology with educational reform in a relationship that continues to transform both teaching and learning" (Kaplan & Owings, 2015 p.169). This historical event has been able to reach out and offer education to many that would have never had the opportunity otherwise without the advance in technology.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    This historical event is rather recent but the importance of it will always be noted in history. It is very easy to be left behind among the millions that attend public schools, throughout history people have fought for the right for everyone to have equal opportunities in education. This Act continues the fight " holding states accountable for remedying the unequal achievement" (Kaplan & Owings, 2015 p.164). Most of important historic events are fighting for equality in education.