Education transparent background 24

Historical Timeline

By rbehnke
  • Common Schools Movement

    Common Schools Movement
    The movement ensures that children would receive a free, basic education, funded by the local taxes. This movement spread fast, other states wanted to do the same. It was the start and the expansion of America's Education.¨Many people consider Horace Mann to be "The Father of American Education" for his work in popularizing public education, in creating unified state school systems, and in advancing teachers' professional skills¨. (Zinmer, A. Progressive Period of Education. Lecture).
  • The Brown vs.Board of Education

    The Brown vs.Board of Education
    Brown vs. Board Act was important because it allowed children from all races to go to school together. ¨Brown v. Board of Education was one of the cornerstones of the civil rights movement and helped establish the precedent that “separate-but-equal” education and other services were not, equal at all¨. ( Editors. (2009, October 27). Brown v. Board of Education. Retrieved October 18, 2020, from
  • Head Start Program

    Head Start Program
    The Head Start Program helps lower-income families meet the needs of emotional, mental, social, and health. The program supports children from birth to five and prepares them for school. ¨Recruiting children age three to school entry age, Head Start was enthusiastically received by education, child development specialists, community leaders, and parents across the Nation¨. (History of Head Start. (n.d.). Retrieved October 17, 2020, from
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act allows education to families with children with special education needs. The goal is to help students succeed in school and support children from birth to age 21. ¨IDEA requires schools to find and evaluate students suspected of having disabilities, at no cost to families¨. (
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    No Child Left Behind Act was to improve students' success when given the standardized assessments. Test scores would hold schools accountable for student's performance. Schools were responsible for what they taught to the student's ¨Each federal government administration during this time has created policies to encourage higher standards for school districts and penalize schools who do not attain test score thresholds¨. (Zinmer, A. (n.d.). Re-Assessment Period of Education. Lecture).