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Historical Timeline

  • Committee of Ten

    Committee of Ten
    The National Education Association committee of ten established school curriculum. This is the foundation of the curriculum used now. Also, this was the first time students could choose electives to study.
  • Maria Montessori

    Maria Montessori
    Maria Montessori was the first to believe the school curriculum needs to be based on students individually instead of as a whole. It is important for every student to get the best education that it is catered to fit everyone's needs. Not to categorize students as a whole and to generalize a preconceived "norm". Every student is very different and needs to be treated that way.
  • Brown VS. Board of Education

    Brown VS. Board of Education
    Denying education to an individual based on race is a violation of the 14th amendment. A student should never be turned away or taught less because of race. Everyone deserves a fair chance to learn. Nobody should be deprived of their education because of race. Thankfully for this event, this should not happen any longer.
  • Federal Funding for Character Education

    Federal Funding for Character Education
    Funding was provided through the US Department of Education to instill moral values in the curriculum. This is an important thing because it taught children morals that some didn't learn at home. Such as respect, responsibility, honesty, integrity, discipline, perseverance, compassion, and citizenship. These are all important morals that every child should learn. Teaching how to be a good person is just as important as teaching the main subjects.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    This raised standards for teachers. If the standards are not met there are consequences such as a decrease in funding. Holding the schools accountable makes them work harder to teach the students better. This is when standardize testing was created. Although this is a controversial subject this is still something implemented in today's education.