Historical Timeline

By Clamont
  • Supplementary Schools

    Supplementary Schools
    Supplementary Schools were unique because they were for students determined to have special needs. The schools included students with disabilities, delinquent children, as well as African American and Native American children judge to be kept out of traditional classrooms. This event is important because it paved a way to educate minority students
  • Public High Schools

    Public High Schools
    The first Public High School began in 1821 in Boston. This school was meant to offer education for free to prepare young men for college. This event was the beginning of how public schools are today in America
  • Public Schools in the Late 19th Century

    Public Schools in the Late 19th Century
    In the second half of the 19th century public education were different in regions across the country. Public school systems all grew however, the south only improved moderately compared to the other regions where growth was substantial. This is an important event since it provides a more updated status of the education system today.
  • Brown V. Board of Education

    Brown V. Board of Education
    This Supreme Court decision to ruled racial segregation in schools to be unconstitutional. This helped to stop racial discrimination in schools across America. This event is a huge landmark in history and demonstrates the end of racial segregation in education
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    This was passed to hold schools accountable to provide accommodations to students needing extra help. It was made to provide equal opportunities for every student to succeed. This is an example of how providing equal opportunities has shaped education today.