
Historical Timeline

By jheck4
  • Colonial period education

    Colonial period education
    Pilgrims and Puritans had to give education a starting point. Education began with wanting to improve their children and those children wanted to improve their children and so on. They also believed in witchcraft and advancing sciences which shows how far education has come.
  • First Kindergarten

    First Kindergarten
    The first kindergarten was started which marked the beginning to starting education at the age of 5 or 6. Education starting at such a young age seemed to be the starting point of molding kids into a certain type of person that would be successful. At this time women were still limited to their education options, while men had quite a few more options, which was interesting considering how early they were starting to teach all children in school.
  • Baby Boom

    Baby Boom
    When the baby boom happened there caused a huge need for teachers, which was the beginning for the constant need for teachers. More and more people were going to school to become teachers and education was needed to educate the people who were going to be having these big class sizes. There is still a huge need for teachers because of the baby boom but now education is more advanced.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    In education everyone should have the equal opportunity to learn and the ability to follow their dreams. Although, even today education still does not have equal opportunities for everyone, this was the first step for equal opportunities when it came to schools and education. There was to be separate but equal schools, which lead to schools eventually mixing students and everyone having an opportunity to have an equal education.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    Education stated that 100% of children would pass their state tests but also compared students to others due to test skills. The government started to hold schools accountable for the students learning and ability, which doesn't show the progress the children were actually making. Everything was based on tests which shouldn't be how education is because everyone is different and some kids may be more talented in something that could never show with a test.