Historical Timeline by S Bateman

  • John Dewey

    John Dewey
    The combination of subject-centered and child-centered views impacts how most classrooms are run to this day. His work showed that students thrive when they interact with the curriculum. The classroom run as a “miniature democracy” shows students how to be effective members of society. Effective teaching to the individual students’ needs rather than teaching the same way to all is essential. Teachers now look for effective ways to reach their students’ personal interest and development.
  • Cardinal Principles Report of 1918

    Cardinal Principles Report of 1918
    The emphasis on vocational practices being as important as traditional studies is held in high regard still today. Teaching kids how to behave appropriately in society, like good personal hygiene and healthy relationships, is core to the educational systems. The inception of a school teaching versatile subjects to the whole student body all in one building and providing learners with choices in curriculum remains the normal construct today.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Equality of opportunity for good education is still something that we strive for as a society. This historical judgment put the wheels in motion to desegregation. Education and societal growth are still hand in hand. The bravery of these students has helped society come very far, but society and education still have a long way to go to reach everyone.
  • Public Law 94-142

    Public Law 94-142
    Although amendments have changed this over the years, the definitions outlined and core value of educating all remain as a result of this law. Today, IEP’s are integral to educational planning to assure that the rights of individuals with disabilities are protected. Having procedures and processes outlined gives educators and families a way to provide the most appropriate educational needs for each student. This is a process in progress.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    Throughout the educational systems, the idea of checks and balances has been talked about. NCLB implemented a system of holding states, districts and schools accountable in meeting educational benchmarks. Reform is likely necessary, but this act shapes how students are taught today. This is a step in the process of figuring out how to evaluate teachers and students in an effective manner and help achieve a higher level of education in the United States.