Historical Timeline

  • W. E. B. DuBois fights for equal education opportunities

    W. E. B. DuBois fights for equal education opportunities
    DuBois believed in equality for African Americans, but was an activist for people of all color as well. He was integral in fighting for equal rights in education and employment for people of color, especially African Americans. As slavery had recently ended, he was necessary in fighting for more.
  • N. E. A. Committee of Ten

    N. E. A. Committee of Ten
    This was a necessary event in the history of education because it was the first time a standard public school curriculum was designed and established. Besides recommending elementary and secondary school as necessary, it allowed students to choose electives for the first time. Without this group, not as many children would be required to go to school for as many years as the N. E. A. Committee of Ten saw was beneficial to a child's education.
  • American Federation of Teachers

    American Federation of Teachers
    This was an important moment in history because it was the first time teaching was recognized as a true profession. It was a way for teachers voices to be heard by those that set policy and curriculum. Through this organization teachers could help facilitate social improvements with other organizations through education.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    Although it took time for this event to be put into place in our society, this was a fight for unfair exclusion in education based on race. It impacted many people of color. It made history with the ruling of the supreme court stating that separate but equal has no place in public education.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    This changed how classrooms were set up. It changed how and what student's learned by increasing instruction in reading, writing and math and decreasing time in social studies, sciences, languages and arts. By implementing standardized testing, it changed what was taught and how it was taught by teachers. It directly impacted schools by decreasing funding if testing thresholds weren't met leaving more accountability on teachers for teaching to test.