Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) vs Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (1972)
State laws required students to perform at certain levels or be labeled "ineligible". PARC said all students have the ability to learn no matter the disability. Court ruled to provide free education to kids with mental retardation. The legal rulings in this case have supported the needs of students with disabilities by creating what is known as Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). Race, color, age, sex, disability not factors for education. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtFmp3XduaQ -
Mills v Board of Education of the District of Columbia (1972)
Behavior and learning problems caused students to be denied education in DC. No alternative or compensation was given for the kids to attend school. State felt it was unfair to take money away from general education to special education. Judge ordered state to provide education to all students with disabilities. This lead to government opening their eyes and passing laws giving rights to disabled students. http://usedulaw.com/438-mills-v-board-of-education-of-the-district-of-columbia.html -
Irving Independent School District v. Tatro
School District refused to give catheter to Amber Tatro, but would provide education services. Parents cited handicap kids can not be excluded from federal funded programs. Court ruled a school nurse or teacher could be trained to provide catheter because it was not a medical service, which licensed physicians provide. This ruling ensured students with disabilities are allowed to receive their education. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Irving-Independent-School-District-v-Tatro\