Historical Timeline 1901-1950 events, reforms, influential figures, and key developments that shaped educational practices and policies

  • United States College Board

    United States College Board was established to provide standardized tests for college students.
  • John Dewey published "The child and the curriculum"

    advocating for progressive education and emphasizing the importance of child-centered learning
  • Smith-Hughes Act of 1917

    it provided federal funding for vocational education programs, agriculture, home economics, and industrial trades.
  • The Great Depression

    Leads to the significant budget cuts in education and widespread school closures
  • The Works Progress Administration

    Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal program provided funding for educational initiatives, such as school construction, teacher employment, and adult education programs
  • World War II

    impacts education as many teachers and students join the war and a rise in adult education and training programs for the war-related industries.
  • GI Bill

    The U.S. started providing educational benefits to returning World War II veterans causing an increase in college enrollment.
  • Truman Commission Report

    The Truman Commission Report on Higher Education in the U.S. calls for expanded access to higher education and the establishment of community colleges.
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    The United Nations created the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which includes the right to education.
  • National Science Foundation (NSF)

    (NSF) is established in the U.S., promoting science and engineering education and research.