
Historical Timeline

  • Period: to

    Historical Timeline Of Special Education

  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

    Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
    "No otherwise qualified individual with a disability… shall, solely by reason of her or his disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving etc.."[Language of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act: 29 (1996)]
    This act set the tone of what would be tolerated for students with disabilities. Students with disabilities have rights and deserved to be treated fairly with resources and assistance.
  • IDEA ACT OF 1975 (IEP)

    IDEA ACT OF 1975 (IEP)
    IDEA is the individual with disabilities education act . It was mandated in 1975 President Ford signed this legislation into law . “It proclaimed a free and appropriate education for students with disability age 3 to 21. It includes the right to due process and right to education in the least restrictive environment.”(Henley, M., et,al(2009) This law stated that students were entitled to due process and the right to receive education in an environment that was suitable for them.
  • American With Disabilities Act

    American With Disabilities Act
    This national law provides individuals of all ages with protection from discrimination due to a disability. The ADA is sweeping in authority. Sometimes referred to as “the civil rights act for the disabled,”(Henley, M.,et.al2009). This law created it illegal for anyone to mistreat those who have disabilities. Also it ensured that those with disabilities would have access and accomdations to public spaces.