
Historical Milestones in the Early Childhood Profession

  • The Garden Of Children

    The Garden Of Children
    Founded by Friedrich Froebel is also known as kindergarten. It is the comparison of children to plants in a garden and the comparison of teacher to gardeners.
  • Maria Montessori - Montessori Method

    Maria Montessori - Montessori Method
    The Montessori method is a teaching style that focus on the development of the whole child (cognitively, emotionally, socially, and physically).This teaching style allows for the children to move about freely, and learn through discovery versus direct instruction. This method has been used for more than 100 years and world wide.
  • Multiple Intelligence Theory

    Multiple Intelligence Theory
    Dr. Howard Gardner found that students have different minds thus came the theory of different intelligence's. Visual/Spatial, Verbal/linguistic, mathematical/logical, musical/rhythmic, interpersonal, interpersonal, existential, and naturalistic are the 7 distinct intelligence's.
  • Civil Rights

    Civil Rights
    The Civil Rights movement help to shape education as we know it today. The Federal government became more involved in making sure education was available for everyone, regardless of age, race, or religion.
  • The Head Start Act

    The Head Start Act
    Was created to Help bring early childhood education to areas of poverty, and low income families. It is one of the longest running programs.
  • Title 1

    Title 1
    Is a fund that helps provide extra instruction in reading and math. It also provides special preschools, after school and summer programs to reinforce regular school curriculum. TItle 1 serves more than 17 million children.
  • The Education of all Handicapped Children/ I.D.E.A

    The Education of all Handicapped Children/ I.D.E.A
    Provides a universal design for classrooms and curriculum that is accessible for all children. It also enables teachers to meet the needs of all their students and diversify their classes.
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    The Great Recession

    The recession changed the Funding going to Early childhood education, thus changing the way we use the funding given to us. A high focus has be placed on a higher reading level before the 3rd grade.