Period: to
Colonial Period
Period: to
Colonists Settle
Many native Americans already engaged in physical activity so the settlement of colonists caused territorial problems. -
Native American Festive Celebration
Sports , Dance, And Dramatic enactments were all part of ritual festivities in the early 1600s -
Period: to
National Period
Growth In Female Seminaries
The growth of private schools for women opened up more opportunities for women to progress in sports. -
German Gymnastics Intoduction
Gymnastics Was took on by the U.S creating one of the most dynamic and skill testing sports in america to this known date. -
Period: to
Civil War Period
Light Gymnastics
Dioclesian Lewis introduced the system of light gymnastics to help those improve posture and cardiovascular performance -
Normal Institute Of P.E
Courses of anatomy was , hygiene, and physiology are taught in a 10-week professional program this was the first teacher training program. -
Period: to
20th Century
New Physical Education Development
Was a program that emphasized the contribution of physical activity and the contribution of physical education and i't s leader in society. -
Playground Association of America
With the help of Luther Gulick this organization helped build and promote urban playgrounds, Gulick was the 1st president of the organization after years it evolved into the NRA -
Period: to
World War 1
During World War 1 Dudley Sargent, Luther Gulick, And R Mckenzie Served In The Armed Forces Also women were active in in the conditioning programs. -
an opportunity to study the medical examination reports and find out whether men were fit to be soldiers, stud shows almost 1/3 of the men were unfit to serve in the military. -
Period: to
Golden 20s
First Doctoral Degrees
Columbia And New York Universities both offered there first doctoral degrees in physical education in 1924 -
Principle Of Physical Education Book
Jesse F. Williams advocated education through the physical with the establishment of this book which emphasized the unity of the body and the mind -
Period: to
Depression Years
Period: to
Mid 20s