Historical Foundations Timeline

  • 776 BCE


    The olympic games started. They are held every four years and spanned 5 days.
  • 338 BCE

    Ancient Greece and Rome

    Ancient Greece and Rome
    The civilization of Ancient Greece and Rome helped the development of physical education by placing a high value on physical activities. As a way to honor the Gods, Greeks held sporting events to showcase their god given strength.
  • Native Americans

    Native Americans
    Native American tribes would play modern day sports like lacrosse to stay in shape. They would also stay in shape by hunting.
  • Bernhard Basedow

    Bernhard Basedow
    Founded the Philanthropinium, a school for boys. Three hours a day at this school, boys were involved in recreation activities.
  • First Physical training center

    First Physical training center
    Franz Nachtegall opened a private outdoor gymnasium. It was the first devoted to Physical training.
  • Turnplatz

    The turnplatz an outdoor area was established. It had equipment for jumping, vaulting, balancing and climbing.
  • Per Henrik Ling

    Per Henrik Ling
    Per Henrik Ling assumed the directorship of the Royal gymnastics Central institute. He developed a training program for military men.
  • First school gymnastics program

    First school gymnastics program
    Charles Beck started the first school gymnastics program. He also built an outdoor gymnasium.
  • Catharine Beecher

    Catharine Beecher
    Catharine created a program of physical education for young women. This consisted of calisthenics performed to music.
  • YMCA

    The YMCA opened for the first time in the US. The YMCA added physical education after the civil war.
  • Intercollegiate match

    Intercollegiate match
    The first intercollegiate match occurred between Harvard and Yale. Harvard won the race.
  • Physical Education made into a curriculum

    Physical Education made into a curriculum
    Physical education was made into a curriculum by the National education association. This displayed Americas acceptance.
  • Delphine Hanna

     Delphine Hanna
    Hanna became the first full-time physical education professor. Her program trained teachers for physical activity.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    World war 1 influenced physical tests in the military. The tests showed that one third of the men were unfit.
  • Sports medicine

    Sports medicine
    A group of 11 physicians founded the foundation of sports medicine. This was created to help athletes stay safe.
  • Reference

    Wuest, Deborah A., and Jennifer L. Fisette. “Major Philosophies.” Foundations of Physical

    education, Exercise Science and Sport, Eighteenth Edition, Mcgraw Hill Education,

    2015, pg. 33.