Screenshot 2018 04 18 at 9.40.52 am

historical fiction timeline

  • The holocaust

    The holocaust
    adolf hitler leader of germany starts really raping up the holocaust a german rasism act where they killed jews and disable or crippled people because they considered them infeirier to them (this was one of the prime causes of WW2
  • (historical fiction) world war 2 is on the verge of being declared

    (historical fiction) world war 2 is on the verge of being declared
    world war 2 is about to be declared and makes everyone in the united kingdom freak out (unkown date so the one above is a vauge idea)
  • world war 2 starts

    world war 2 starts
    britain and france delclare war on germany after they keep wanting to invade them and the holocaust happens
  • Period: to

    world war 2 timespan

    the amount of time world war two happened it was a time were
  • people start to get taken away by germans

    people start to get taken away by germans
    this is caused by the start of the holocaust in WW2 (approximate date)
  • ada is abused

    ada is abused
    ada is cooped up inn a cramped apartment for her whole life
  • London evacuation

    London evacuation
    london evacuates all their children in the fear of WW2
  • (historical fiction) children sent away

    (historical fiction) children sent away
    in fear of a bombing jamie and other children are sent away to the country but ada sneak onto the train (approximate date)
  • kids got mistreated

    kids got mistreated
    there was plenty of abuse back then between neglect,physical abuse and verbal abuse
  • The London bombing

    The London bombing
    the germans decided to blow up london during the begining of WW2
  • london bombing (historical fiction)

    london bombing (historical fiction)
    after ada and jamies mother adbandons them the bombing starts luckily due to adas quick thinking they escape