Historical Fiction

  • 2nd Red Scare

     2nd Red Scare
    The red scare happen when Communism start and the The 2nd red scare occurred during the world war with the Soviet Union after the world war II. It last about 10 years 1947-1957. In the Red Scare Communism were people who wanted to destroy the United States. Communism was spread in Eastern Europe and China as well. People were scared that communism would wreck the United states with nuclear bombs.
  • Life in the East and West

    Life in the East and West
    Life in the West was great. They had many restaurants and modern clothing. They also could learn for free and not worry about having a hard life. But the East Side had it tough,They didn't have freedom and they couldn’t go to the better side (West). How many people died because of was trying to get over the wall ( shot and killed ).
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    June 25, 1950 -July 27, 1953
    At the end of world war II, Korea was free from japanese control. North Korea was occupied by the soviet but the south was occupied to the American forces.
    The country was divided in 1938 on the 38th parallel by the north korean capital and the
  • Going to the other side

    Going to the other side
    When Greta and Fritz are done digging a tunnel they hear there dad's and Dominic's voice they get to the other side and they are free from the West
  • Getting shot

    Getting shot
    Fritz got shot while going through the tunnel to freedom. He survives while still hurting his foot
  • When the wall was built (book)

    When the wall was built (book)
    Greta and her family were sad. They couldn't see Papa or Dominic on the West side
  • West side

    When they went to the West side life was better but sadly Fritz was shot and still hurt.
  • Fritz's Friend

    Fritz was talking about how his friend got shot while trying to escape the other side of the Berlin Wall. But Fritz and Greta still attempted to go to the other side ( West )
  • When the Berlin Wall was built

    When the Berlin Wall was built
    The Berlin Wall was installed by German Soldiers in 1961 due to the fact that people would get free education in the east but the west was a workforce due to the east.
  • The Berlin wall Falling

    The Berlin wall Falling
    The Berlin Wall: The Fall of the Wall. On November 9, 1989, as the Cold War began to thaw across Eastern Europe, the spokesman for East Berlin's Communist Party announced a change in his city's relations with the West. Starting at midnight that day, he said, citizens of the GDR were free to cross the country's borders.