IM: First School Museum Opens in St. Louis
These museums were meant to supplement the textbook and included things such as charts, films, and instructional materials -
IM: Keystone Company publishes "Visual Education"
a teacher's guide to lantern slides and stereographs -
IM: First Catalog of Instructional Films were Published
IM: Rochester Public Schools adopt films
The public school system of Rochester, New York was the first school system to adopt films for regular instructional use -
Period: to
IM: Visual Instruction Movement Grows
5 Professional Organizations established, 5 Journals established, and 20+ Teacher training institutions -
IM: Merging of 3 National Professional Organizations for Visual Instruction
Marked as one of the most significant events in the evolution of the audiovisual instruction movement and instructional radio. -
IM: Federal Government Establishes Division of Visual Aids for War Training
They produced 457 training films -
Period: to
IM: WWII Training Videos and Filmstrips
During this time there were more than 400 films and 600 filmstrips used as training aids during WWII -
IM: Federal Communications Commission sets aside 242 channels for educational purposes
ID: "The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching"
written by B.F. Skinner, begins a minor revolution for the education field -
IM: There are 17 educational television stations
ID: "Taxonomy of Educational Objectives"
published by Benjamin Bloom and colleagues -
ID: The Launch of Sputnik
the launch of Sputnik made people realize that there were a lot of wasted resources in the time leading up to the launch of Sputnik. This brought forward formative evaluation and summative evaluation in the aftermath of the launch. -
IM: There are 50 educational television stations
the number of educational stations increased from 17 to 50 in just 5 years -
ID: "Preparing Objectives for Programmed Instruction"
written by Robert Mager -
ID: The Criterion- Referenced Testing Movement
Robert Glaser was first to coin the term "criterion-referenced measures." -
ID: Publication of "The Conditions of Learning"
written by Robert Gagné -
ID: "Journal of Instructional Development" is first published
"Mind and Society" Compilation
Vygotsky and Cole -
IM: Computers are being used for instructional purposes
~ 40% of Elementary schools & ~75% of Secondary Schools -
Howard Barrows developed a model
this model was for centering instruction around a key statement of a problem, prompting a team- based inquiry and problem solving process -
"Cognitive Apprenticeships"
Collins, Brown, Newman -
Newell and Simon's Unified Theories of Cognition was brought in to play
Journal for the Learning Sciences was started
Special Issue of "Educational Technology"
this was devoted to constructivism -
"Intentional Learning Environments"
Scardamalia and Breiter -
The Fostering Community of learners model for teaching Science is developed
Brown and Campione -
Dunlap and Grabinger- rich environments for authentic learning -
ID: Significant growth with online learning
most of this online learning is with businesses, the military and school K-12th grade -
"Ten Steps to Complex Learning"
Van Marriënboer, Kirschner -
IM: 30% of all trainings were done using technology