5 Historical Events that America paved the way for modern American Public Education (source: Educational Foundations by Kaplan and Ownings (2nd edition) c 2015)
By FrannieRuth
Revolutionary War 1776-1781
The Revolutionary war ended British rule over the 13 colonies, opened the way for pioneering American education. -
Latin Grammar Schools 17th + 18th century
These schools emphasized classical western education through authors such as: Homer, Cicero, Virgil and Socrates. Modeled similar to the one room schoolhouses in structure, These were college preparation schools for upper class families and their sons. After this, they went straight to Harvard or Yale college at around age 15. -
Public High Schools 1821
began as an alternative to the Latin Grammar Schools. schools that were under public control and subjects taught were: English, reading, writing, grammar, science, math, history and logic. This is when schools began to break away from traditional, western/classical style of education. This break away has impacted modern education since modern public schools are so different from classical education. -
Brown vs Board of Education 1954
Brown vs Board of Education ruled that the "separate but equal" mentality did not have a place in American schools. It was a watershed moment in American education and society. It protects all children in equality under the 14th amendment. This was an important moment in society for its impact on desegregation. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 1990
legislature that was put in place to ensure proper education for and educational rights of those with disabilities. this legislature has been key to providing a successful education for those who have disabilities, and continues to do important work for those with disabilities.