Historical Events in Public Education

  • Seperating Church and State

    Seperating Church and State
    Education should not be dependent on ones religion. Instead it is essential that everyone has access to education. The separation of church and state in public education is important because it helped pave the way for the concept that public schools should educate everyone. Public education should be accessible to all students and this was one of the important steps towards this goal.
  • State Colleges admit Women

    State Colleges admit Women
    State Colleges broaden the educational path way available to students. By 1860's 61 colleges admitted women which was a huge step forward in equal education for females. Where as in 1800 no colleges admitted women. Without the formation of State colleges, colleges would have remained exclusive with narrow curricular pathways. Schooling should not be exclusive everyone deserves equal opportunity for furthering the education.
  • Child study movement

    Child study movement
    Stanley Hall's work in particular was crucial to the understanding of how a child learns. This new educational philosophy helped put the student at the center of teaching. Although, this philosophy had flaws, it was a crucial step towards understanding that each student learns differently. It helped shape the idea that not all students learn identically and as educators it is important to accommodate for these differences.
  • Brown v Board

    Brown v Board
    Although, Brown v Board was not out right effective. It started the wheels towards desegregation. It forced the courts to take into account the education of all students and begin to work for the education of all students.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    Education should be available to all and should never be denied to an individual. To provide a child with a disability the opportunity of an education is to give them a future, and it is this gift that no one can put a price on. So, it is of upmost importance that everyone be able to recieve an education no matter what there situation is.