Education in the Colonial Period
Education in Colonial America was based a lot on religion. They learned basics like how to read and the alphabet. It is important because there was a want for a school to educate children. -
Common Schools
This movement is important because it's the foundation that really started public education. It is significant because it was an opportunity for the poor to get an education that was free. It's still an impact today because we are entitled to free public schools, that are funded by taxes, just like common schools were back then. http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/1871/Common-School-Movement.html (Pic is of Horace Mann, creator of Common Schools) -
Horace Mann
Horrace Mann was the creator of common schools. He was passionate and dedicated to providing an education that was to be under the responsibility of the government. -
Population Growth
During this time, the population went from 13 million to 32 million! This meant there were going to be more children going to schools and a more industrialized society. -
Secondary School Movement
This is a significant event because this provided even more education for those that didn't have the money to attend private schools. This was vital to society in order to have social and economic goals met. It is still significant today because we have secondary education that prepares us for a variety of things such as future careers. Secondary education was deemed necessary back then, and it still is today. Additional info is the next event. -
Progressive Reform Movement
This reform called for a change in the curriculum and administration. This was also a time period where there was an emphasis on creating a better environment for students in terms of improving buildings and creating a system where the system focused on students. -
John Dewey
Dewey is considered '"the real spokesman for intellectual America in the Progressive Era". He was a strong supporter of child centered curriculum and wanted school to be a place that was engaging by experiences. -
Impact of WW2
This time period was marked by a decline in education due to war efforts. Many teachers and students were in war efforts, cutting back enrollment, in addition, there was a cut back in funds in order to support the war. -
Brown vs. Board of Education
Ruling of Brown stated that separate was not equal, therefore enacting a ruling that didn't allow segregation. This sparked Civil Rights revolution. This is important now because we are now educated as one and not segregated. It's significant because it shows unity, even though it wasn't supported at the time. http://www.history.com/topics/black-history/brown-v-board-of-education-of-topeka -
Civil Rights Movement
This movement was important then because races were granted rights that they didn't have before. This revolution created a more equal opportunity for minority groups like women, the disabled, etc. After rights were granted to one group, there were more advances for other groups. This is still important because these rights protect from discrimination, equal rights, and the opportunity for education. -
Sputnik & NDEA
This was a government effort to increase funding in math, science, and other languages. This was due to the competition we had with the Soviet Union, and the launching of Sputnik, we had to catch up, so government increased funding and influenced school curriculum. -
Elementary & Secondary Education Act
This was also a government effort to fund and help low income families. There was major effort to further education starting with Head Start for children whose parents had lower incomes. -
Individuals with Disabilities Act
First named Education for All Handicapped Children, set the right of children with disabilities to a free and appropriate education. This is important now because there is something giving these amazing children the opportunity to education, which only makes their lives better. It is also important because expands the rights of every child. http://www.specialednews.com/special-education-dictionary/eha---education-for-all-handicapped-children-act.htm -
Nation at Risk
This was a report that called for educational reform. There was an increase in graduation requirements, increased testing, and an emphasis on things like technology, homework and basic skills. -
No Child Left Behind
This was a law that was established during president George Bush's administration. This called for a change in curriculum, to set one where students would learn and be tested on it, with a requirement to have all students pass at a proficient level. Many of the scores didn't meet the requirements, due to stress and the level of mastery students were expected to meet.