Historical Events I Relate To

  • September 11th

    This was a truly tragic event. I always thought suicide and killing others was wrong and that everyone knew it. This really opened up my eyes to just how evil people can be. This showed me that I need to be more careful about everything. Who I hang Around, and also to make sure I am not hurting anyone else.
  • MRSA outbreak

    My family got this infection hard. My fingers and eyelids would get swollen and filled with ous. Super gross. However from then on I have had a verry tough immune system. When I get sick sometimes it is only fo hours.
  • Sily Bands

    When I was in Elementary school Silly Bands were huge. They were rubber bands that maintained the shape of animals. Someone on my buss had them all up their arms and their backpack was filled with them. I thought she was so cool. This has made me always have someone look up to me the way I looked up to her.
  • Summer Olympics 2012

    This is where Gabby Douglas won the all around gold medal for the USA in gymnastics. I have always had a passion for gymnastics. I always Loved Gabby because she was from Colorado. She was my gymnastics inspiration. These Olympics is where she really did well. She influenced me to do gymnastics and I love it so much.
  • Jason Wagner Recieving Award

    My dad is very smart and has been promoted to higher positions in his job as a civil engineer. A few years ago he received an award from the government for his invention the Helix. He works in designing fish ladders and cool outdoor stuff. He inspires me to be hard worker and to do what I love
  • Entering High School

    I was nervous to get into high school. This is where it really counts. This was big for me because I knew I must keep it together. So I tried hard and kept straight A's. This showed me that hard work pays off, and that I should always strive to do my best.
  • Nekton Ocean Exploration

    Recently Oxford University sponsored the Nekton ocean exploration. Here they found discovered a new ocean zone and over 100+ new species. I am a huge Marine bio. person an would have loved to be a part of it.
  • Hawaiian Volcano Madness

    I have a.ways Loved Hawaii up until this point. My attitude was changed. I learned that many people lost their homes and it Made me sad. It made me wonder what If I lost everything. Really out me in a perspective that anything can happen.
  • Death Of Cato Junior

    Recently I went to the Funeral of My great Uncle Cato Junior. We were up in Huntington Utah. I was sort of dragged into it, but it was cool to see all of my dads family that I have never met before. Coll to see all the family interconnections. Really great and sad as well.
  • Crebro Artificial Intelegance

    I am also a big Biology nerd. I love figuring out how the body works and how we process everything. I was pleased to see that the Health industry is developing Cerebro. An Artificial Inelegance nurse. It will help take care of patients that need round the clock care. It is still in testing but it is a cool idea and i'm glad they are working to further our health care abilities.