Historical Events

  • The rise of the Berlin Wall

    The rise of the Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall rose on the night of August 13th, 1961. Many people would've tried to escape if it was built at daytime.
  • When the Berlin Wall rose

    When the Berlin Wall rose
    Gerta and her family gets separated. Her father decides to spend an overnight in the west with her younger brother. It went up overnight so no one would escape during the construction.
  • The effect on people´s lives

    East Germany was much worse than the west. The soviets controlled all of east Germany, and many people thought disliked that. West Germany had much more freedom than the east, because three countries equally had an amount of west Germany.
  • What the Berlin Wall did to people´s lives

    What the Berlin Wall did to people´s lives
    Many people were devastated about their divided country. Many people from the east were more devastated because the west has much more freedom.
  • People trying to escape the Berlin Wall

    People trying to escape the Berlin Wall
    In 1963, during the Berlin Wall, many people attempted to escape in different ways. Some people stole a tank, some swam, some even used a hot air balloon. There were many ways to escape the wall, although it was strongly protected.
  • Escaping the Berlin Wall

    Escaping the Berlin Wall
    Gerta started a tunnel and told some people about it. Many people contributed to the underground tunnel that went under the wall. Many people escaped this way, and many people were part of it.
  • The fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall fell on November 9th, 1989. This happened because when people crashed into it so many times
  • When the Berlin Wall fell

    When the Berlin Wall fell
    Gerta made it to the west through the tunnel and people were free. The east and west now knew about the tunnel, so they could go to either side
  • Life after the Berlin Wall

    Life after the Berlin Wall
    In 1989, the border between east and west Germany closes, and it becomes one Germany. Many people celebrated and people came together.
  • Celebrations

    Gerta breaks through the wall and become free. Families reunite, and people come together to celebrate the event