Pandemic pic

Pandemics/Epidemics in History

By Ahane
  • 542

    Plague of Justinian

    Plague of Justinian
    This plague killed up to 25 million people taking out 40% of Constantinople's population during this time. They belive the cause was the Bubonic plague.
  • 1346

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    (What Made the Black Death so Deadly)[] This video provides a fun animated video that summarizes this pandemic from the very beginning.
  • Smallpox from European Settlers

    Smallpox from European Settlers
    (Smallpox,the Deadliest Disease in History)[]
  • The Great Plague of London

    The Great Plague of London
    This was an outbreak in London the resulted from the Black Death. Fleas were the main source of transmission in this.
  • Cholera

    This pandemic began in 1817 and is still around today. It started in India from contaminated rice and spread from there.
  • Polio

    Polio affects the nervous system causing paralysis and has killed 3145 people in the U.S.. There is now a vaccination for this disease.
  • The Spanish Flu

    The Spanish Flu
    (Spanish Flu: The Deadliest Pandemic in History)[]
  • HIV/AIDS Pandemic

    HIV/AIDS Pandemic
    (All you need to know about HIV/AIDS pandemic)[] This video talks about the pandemic that has killed around 36 million people around the world and is still affecting the population to this day.
  • Swine Flu

    Swine Flu
    This recent pandemic spread from pigs to humans and affected around 61 million people in the U.S. but is now included in the flu vaccine.
  • Coronavirus

    Cases in U.S.
    The Coronavirus is the most recent pandemic to affect the world and continues to grow every single day.