The Gilded Age
The Gilded Age was a time when america was doing great economically over the surface but it also faced a lot of corruptions. It faced a lot of work place reforms because workers felt mistreated, over worked and under payed.
http://www.shmoop.com/gilded-age/summary.html -
The Progressive Era
The Progressive Era was a time when society had finally spoke up to the injustice of the state. The movement started in a more social light then a political then finally reforms were made. For example a woman's right to vote. A child's right to go to school. A right to work in a safe and friendly work environment. -
World War l
The very first global conflict. Also called the "great war". Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire against Great Britain ,United States, France, Russia, Italy and Japan. This war resulted in over 9 million deaths. -
Roaring 20's
The roaring twenties was a time when the world became very advanced. Cars, stop lights, Radio shows, insulin, The best advances of this world. Aside from the advances the people of the 20's were very liberated. And it introduced to us the "Modern woman" -
Great Depression
The Great Depression was the deepest economic downfall for all of Americas history. After the 20's the stock market got turned into a panic and wiped out most of its investors losing millions/ billions of dollars. -
World war ll
World war two was one of most deadliest wars of all time. over 30 countries were involved and over 50 million civilian and military deaths. -
Cold War
The cold war was a rather calming war of them all. Although there was still hostility it was a war of words. -
Civil Rights Movement
The civil rights movement was a turn in history for not only America but for African American's. Although many police brutality beat down the life out of this race they rise above the forcefulness of racists. Now they are able to run for president, live in a home, marry other races, go to school and have equal opportunity as others.