
Historical Energy Events

By deannmc
  • 1752 Benjamin Franklin

    1752 Benjamin Franklin
    Ben Franklin invented the lightning rod for protection! The first practical application of the knowledge dealing with electricity.
  • 1776- first solar collector

    1776- first solar collector
    the first solar collector was made by Horace de Saussare.
  • 1831-Michael faraday

    1831-Michael faraday
    Michael Faraday was the first to discover Electromagnetic induction.this is now the used for a base knowledge about electromagnets.
  • Abraham Lincoln Enacts an Ethanol Tax

    Abraham Lincoln Enacts an Ethanol Tax
    In 1860 Ethanol was a must have item, during the war Lincoln imposed a $2 dollar per gallon tax for financial help. Industrial and fuel ethanol was gone for more than 30 years!
  • 1876- First Demonstration of Generating Electricity Directly from sunlight in a Selenium solar cell

    1876- First Demonstration of Generating Electricity Directly from sunlight in a Selenium solar cell
    William Grylls Adams and Richard Evans Day, discovered a part of quantum mechanics that were failed to be explored and by doing so they found out that a solid material could change light into electricity with no heat or moving parts.
  • 1893- Redlans Mill Creek 1

    1893- Redlans Mill Creek 1
    The first 3-phase AC commercial powerplant in the whole entire world. This included using the C.P. Steinmetz's supposedly 3-phase system.

    ( (spacetoearth:thestoryofsolarelectricity,1999) -The "Concerning an heuristic point of view toward the emission and transformation of light" was published by Albert Einstein. This work was basically describing the photo voltaic effect. It helped people understand photo electricity better.
  • Bell solar battery- 1954

    Bell solar battery- 1954
    ( -Calvin fuller and Gerald Pearson of the Bell laboratories made the Silicon Transistor a reality. The scientists displayed panels that only need light for power- solar powered radio transmitter. The strips provided so much power and that it changed history, being able to use the sun.
  • 1964 NASA

    1964 NASA
    NASA launched the nimbus spacecraft which was a satellite powered by 470-watt photo-voltaic array.
  • 2001-Ipod

    The very first ipod was made and it had 5GB of available storage. this was a successful product for apple, springing up millions of dollars.