Department of energy created
THE 4th is not the correct date (this website doesnt allow you just not to have a day) -
Congress passes an act to stimulate the devlopment of hydropower
hydrogen power act of 1996 passed to further expand hydrogen power development
President Bush unveils the hydrogen fuel initiative to promote hydrogen fuel cell department
US House Prevents Drilling for oil in the artic national wildfire refuge
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Contains billions of dollars for renewable energy and energy efficiency developments
First framework for wind energy development on the US outer contenetial shelf announced
Earthquake off coast of Japan damages six powerplants at fukushima dai-ichi nuclear crisis eventually reaches level 7, which is the highest level possible
Solar power company Solyndra declares bankruptcy after recieving $528 millon in federal loan garuntees
EPA issues first ever clean air rules for natural gas produced by fracking