Voltaic Pile
Alessandro Voltra produced an electric current by arranging cardboard, zinc, and copper. This was otherwise known as the first electric battery.
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Drake Drills
Colonel Edwin Drake drills the first oil well at 69 feet in Titusville, Pennsylvania.
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First Rechargeable Battery
Gaston Plante, a French inventor, developed the first rechargeable battery. His invention was developed and the same type of battery is used in today's cars. source -
Auguste Mouchout Invents
The French mathmatician had previously, in 1861, invented a machine that used sunlight for solar thermal energy electricity. In 1878, his solar generator powered a steam engine. source -
First Hydropower Plant
On the Fox River in Appleton, Wisconsin the first hydropower plant is opened using the Edison System. source -
First Wind Energy
Professor James Blyth was the first to build an electricity-producting windmill in Glasgow, Scotland, of which ended up powering his home for a predicted 25 years.
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First Geothermal Energy
The first geothermal energy plant is created in Larderello, Italy by Prince Piero Ginori Conti.
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Arc Lamp
Sir Humphry Davy invents the first electric light. He used two wires, a battery, and a charcoal strip, making charged carbon glow. Later, in 1815, he created a safety lamp for miners.