Historical foundation of education 1 638

Historical Education Timeline

  • Harvard College

    Harvard College
    Harvard College was a major turning point in American education. It has set high expectations and standards for academics. To this day, Harvard College is one of the highest academic schools in America. Harvard College is a great way to get students to want to achieve in their academic success, and to push themselves to get into a school such as this one, if not this one then one just as excellent.
  • The Massachusetts Law of 1647 (Old Deluder Satan Act)

    The Massachusetts Law of 1647 (Old Deluder Satan Act)
    This law started the general teaching skills for writing and reading. People within the city limits had to be taught these and if close enough they even learned grammar. This is the main thing we are still learning to this day from pre-k til after we graduate college. If this wouldn't have started, when were we going to learn the proper ways of writing and reading that we use on a daily basis?
  • ACT Test

    ACT Test
    The ACT test is a standardized test used to further your academics. This test is still the main admission that is being sent to Universities today. Without the ACT test, it would be much harder to identify individuals academic ability after high school and to see which colleges are more suited for them. The ACT test is a great way to show individuals academic rankings, and this will continue to be used for years in the future.
  • Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

    Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
    This law discriminates the aspects of sex and that everyone deserves equal. Although this act goes for everything, it plays a huge part in the education formation. Title IX has stopped the bias discrimination against gender, which proves that both men and women can be teachers that we are starting to see more today. Not only teachers but the students aren't judged on academic skills based upon their gender.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    Although this act is a lot more recent, it has played a serious role in today's education. Even though this act has gotten replaced, it still started something for the education of students and teachers. This act made things easier to change and make better for us students today. Without this act starting up, teachers and students could be on completely different learning basis, so students around America aren't receiving the same education.