Frederich L. v. Thomas (Philadelphia)
Class action suit that reaffirmed the right students with learning disabilities to have appropriate education programs. This case gives every child with a disability the right to the free and appropriate education and will support their needs.
https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/FSupp/419/960/1978862/ -
Luke S. and Hans S. v. Nixe et al. (Louisiana)
Prereferral interventions, curriculum-based assessment, and direct classroom interventions were mandated for students with mild disabilities. After a curriculum was in place for the student it took awhile for everything to be set into place. This law states that everything should be done in a timely manner and teachers learn how to perform the assessments. http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/jde7/ese504/class/advanced/courtcases.html -
Daniel R.R. V. State Board of Education
District and appeals courts upheld the hearing officer's decision that general education curriculum was beyond abilities of a student with retardation and that he would receive little benefit from mainstreaming. In this case students with disabilities didn't have much inclusion. Following the case students must be educated in the least restrictive environment, to have inclusion to the maximum extent possible. http://www.kidstogether.org/right-ed_files/daniel.htm