Historical Development of Early Childhood Education

  • Nov 10, 1483

    Martin Luther born

    Martin Luther born
    Advocated establishing schools to teach children to read. Contributions:
    Universal education
    Public support of education
    Teaching of reading to all children Died: February 18, 1546
  • John Comenius born

    John Comenius born
    Wrote Orbis Pictus, the first picture book for children.
    Believed early experiences formed what a child would be like Contributions:
    Early learning helps determine school and life success
    Sensory experiences support learning Died: November 15, 1670
  • John Locke born

    John Locke born
    Said children were born blank slates.
    Believed children's experiences determine who they are. Contributions:
    Learning should begin early
    Children learn what they are taught - teachers literally make children Died: October 28, 1704
  • Jean-Jacque Rousseau born

    Jean-Jacque Rousseau born
    Advocated natural approaches to child rearing.
    Felt that children's natures unfold as a result of maturation. Contributions:
    Natural approaches to education work best Died: July 2, 1778
  • Johann Pestalozziu born

    Johann Pestalozziu born
    Advocated that education should follow the course of nature.
    Believed all education is based on sensory impressions.
    Promoted the idea that the mother could best teach children. Contributions:
    Family-centered approaches
    Home schooling Died: February 17, 1827
  • Robert Owen born

    Robert Owen born
    Held that environment determines children's beliefs.
    Believed society can shape children's character. Contributions:
    Importance of infant programs
    Education can counteract children's poor environment Died: November 17, 1858
  • Friedrich Froebel born

    Friedrich Froebel born
    Believed children develop through "unfolding".
    Founded the Kindergarten - "Garden of Children"
    Developed gifts and occupations Contributions:
    Teacher's role is similar to a gardener.
    Children should have specific materials to learn through play. Died:June 21, 1852
  • John Dewey born

    John Dewey born
    Progressive education movement
    Children's interest form the basis of the curriculum
    Educate children for today, not tomorrow Died: June 1. 1952
  • Patty Smith Hill born

    Patty Smith Hill born
    Happy Birthday to YouContributions:
    Started a progressive lab nursery school at Columbia Teacher's College
    Large blocks for play
    Wrote the tune of "Happy birthday to You"
    Established the National Association for Nursery Education (NANE), which led to NAEYC Died: May 25, 1946
  • Maria Montessori born

    Maria Montessori born
    The Montessori Method
    Sensory-based materials that were self-correcting
    Prepared environments
    Respect for children Died: May 6. 1952
  • Jean Piaget born

    Jean Piaget born
    Theory of cognitive development based on ages and stages
    Children are "little scientists" and develop their own intelligence
    Mental and physical activities are important for cognitive development Died: September 16, 1980
  • Lev Vygotsky born

    Lev Vygotsky born
    Sociocultural theory
    Concept of zone of proximal development
    Communication between teachers and children can act as a means of scaffolding to higher levels of learning
    Use of cooperative learning and other forms of social learning Died: June 11, 1934
  • Erik Erikson born

    Erik Erikson born
    Theory of psychosocial development - cognitive development occurs in conjunction with social development
    Life is a series of eight stages
    How parents and teachers interact with and care for children helps determine their emotional and cognitive development. Died: May 12, 1994
  • Abraham Maslow born

    Abraham Maslow born
    Theory of self-actualization based on needs of motivation
    Human development is a process of meeting basic needs throughout life
    Humanistic psychology Died: June 8, 1970