Knights of Labor Founded
Railway Strike
Haymarket Riot
Gompers Founds AFL
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Homestead Strike
Anti-Labor Injunction
Pullman Strike
IWW Founded
ILGWU Strike
LA Times Bombing
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
First State Minimum Wage Law
Federal Department of Labor Established
Ludlow Massacre
Clayton Act
Adamson Act
Postwar Strike Wave
Gompers Dies
Sacco and Vanzetti
Davis-Bacon Act
Norris-La Guardia Act
Perkins Named Secretary of Labor
Wagner Act
CIO Splits from AFL
Fair Labor Standards Act
Smith-Connally Act
Post-World War II Strike Wave
Truman Breaks Railroad Strike
Taft-Hartley Act
CIO Expels Red Unions
AFL-CIO Merger
Teamster Corruption
Landrum-Griffith Act
Kennedy Legalizes Public Employee Unions
Equal Pay Act
UAW Splits from AFL
New York Teachers Strike
Postal Strike
Pension Standards
Major League Baseball Strike
Air Traffic Controllers Strike
Hormel Foods Strike
UPS Strike
UAW Loses Nissan Plant Election
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