Historical Context: Writers React Kaden Carr

  • Colonists’ arrival in North America

    Colonists’ arrival in North America
    Puritans had established the first colony at Jamestown. A lot of them had taken the journey to the new world in hopes of escaping persecution. They had to fend for themselves in a dangerous place that was unfamiliar to them.
  • The Revolutionary War

    The Revolutionary War
    The colonists, fed up with British rule, decided to split off from them to form their own country. The war was long and seemed like it would never end, but the colonists were victorious and created the United States.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    Continued opposition from Britain and its allies brought the US into another war. Lasting three years, the US came out on top, solidifying their victory and place in the world. The country was starting to come into its own.
  • Abolitionism

    The deplorable slave traditions and beliefs of the US began to be challenged with this new way of thinking. People started to rise up for the slaves who did not have a voice.
  • The Civil War

    The Civil War
    Rising tensions in the country relating to the issues of slavery and states' rights threw the US into an all out Civil War. The country and its people were far more divided than they ever had been.
  • Prohibition

    A period where the production and consumption of alcohol was completely illegal. If citizens wanted alcohol, they had to purchase it though illegal means. It was a real mess.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    Due to a variety of issues, including a stock market crash and overspending, the US had entered a long period of economic depression. Everyone had to work their hardest just to make ends meet.
  • The Cold War

    The Cold War
    Following World War II, The United States and the Soviet Union had a constant back and forth of aggression for decades. Citizens were constantly fearing nuclear annihilation.
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Marking the end of the Cold War, the giant concrete wall in Berlin, Germany came crashing down. Having been there since the end of WWII, families were finally able to reunite after so long. It's a very important moment in history that inspired people from around the world.
  • September 11, 2001 Attacks

    September 11, 2001 Attacks
    This is one of the most shocking and tragic days in US history. Two airplanes hijacked by terrorists crashed into the Twin Towers and the World Trade Center. It caused the entire country to ban together, beginning the War on Terror.
  • My Thoughts 2

    These prolific and major events had changed the public's hive mind, and of course, its literature. Knowing what was going on in the country during a given time is crucial to understanding the context of a work produced around then. For instance, the period abolition and the fight to free slaves created mountains of anti slavery pieces who's passion and energy can felt to this very day. Context is as important as the work itself.
  • My Thoughts 1

    I was well versed in most of these events due to history classes and the like, but it was interesting to think about all these events back to back. It made me realize just how much our country has gone through during its lifetime. I saw what things brought us together and what brought us apart. I saw all the triumphs and failures. Our country's values and way of thinking was developed over years and years, through all of what I listed and much more.