Period: to
Legal Achievements of Special Education
Brown v. Board of Education
1.) Civil Rights Era- Segregation in schools is found to be unconstitutional. Creating a ground breaking starting point for Special Education. 2.) Parents of children with disabilities began to bring lawsuits against their school districts for excluding and segregating children with disabilities. -
Mills v. Board of Education & PARC v. Commonwealth PA
Public Law: 94 142
1.) Was deemed unconstitutional to deny students with disabilities an education. 2.) Required schools to provide Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). -
The Family Educational Rights Act
1.) Parents were given the authority to obtain all personal information collected, maintained, or used by a school district in regards to their child. -
Rehabilitation Act
Public Law: 93 112 (section 504)
1.) Ensures that people with disabilities are not discriminated against. 2.) Outlines accommodations required by students with disabilities as well as an equal opportunity to receive program benefits and services. -
Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act
Public Law: 94 103
1.) The creation of a "Bill of Rights" for those with developmental disabilities. 2.) Provided funds & services for University affiliated facilities while providing a system of protection and advocacy organizations in every state. -
Education for all Handicapped Children Act
Public Law: 94 142
1.) Encouraged states to develop educational programs to help expand education for students with disabilities in the "least restrictive environment ages 3-21". Written permission for evaluation is required.
2.) All students with disabilities must have an individual education plan (IEP)
3.) Federal money was given to schools to train teachers on special education. It also sparked the beginning of IDEA law. -
Larry P. v. Wilson Riles
1.) Class action case involving African American students facing racial discrimination, being diagnosed with educable mental retardation (EMR). Led to... 2.) IQ tests cannot be used to test for any disability. -
Americans With Disabilities Act
1.) Prohibits discrimination based on disability. 2.) Disability is defined as being "a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity". 3.) Sets rules and regulations for students with disabilities. Sec. 504 is extended. -
Individuals With Disabilities Act
Public Law 101 - 476/ PL: 102 - 119/ PL: 105 - 17
1.) Education for All Handicapped Children Act (1975) is now amended to Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. (IDEA)
In 1997- States were required to also offer intervention efforts to parents before due process hearings. Required teachers to be members of the IEP team.
2.) Services included after High School. (Age 16 and older) -
No Child Left Behind Act & IDEA improvement Act
1.) Public Law: 107 - 110 The No Child Left Behind Act requires all students, including students with disabilities to be proficient in math and reading by year 2014. 2.) IDEA Improvement Act of (2004) Redefines the purpose of special education to congress and intended outcomes for each child with a disability. Response to Intervention (RTI) in classrooms. High standards were set for special education teachers (preschool to age 21).