first discovery of cells by Robert Hooke
antonie van leevwenhock
discovers and describes bacteria and protozoa -
Edward Jenner
Jenner uses first vaccine to inoculate a child from smallpox -
Gregol Mendel discovers laws of inheritance
Breeders cross breed cotton making superior varieties
Robert Koch
develops a technique for staining bacteria for identification -
louis Pasteur develops vaccine
develops vaccine against bacteria that causes cholera and anthrax in chickens -
Karl Ereky uses "Biotechnology" Term
Biotechnolgy is first used as a term -
Discovery of Penicillin
Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin -
the first hybrid corn is commercialized
Sturucture of DNA is discovered
Watson &Crick discover dna and the double helix structure -
Dna is made in atest tube for the first time
the first recombinant human insulin is produced for the first time
smallpox is eradicated
after 20yr mass vaccination effort -
The first recombinant DNA vaccine for livestock in developed
BT Corn
BT corn is first produced -
First succesful gene therapy treatment is performed
the first gene therapy is performed on a 4yr. old girl that has an immune disorder -
The first breast cancer gene discovered
A gene overde with Parkinson's disease is dis
Dolly the Sheep
Dolly the sheep is the first animal to be clonnned -
EPA approves first transgenic rootworm-resistant corn
Human Genome Project
FDA approves first H5N1 vaccine the first for avian flu