Historic Romans battles

  • 204 BCE

    Disembarkation in Africa

    Disembarkation in Africa
    The number of troops Scipio led to Africa differs according to the authors, the Livio himself prefers not to get wet and confesses that gives no meanwhile but the authors he has consulted give figures ranging between 12,000 and 35,000 men, on my part is more logical to think of a high number, perhaps those 35,000 troops, I do not believe it for less attacking the heart of enemy possessions, the Roman general was also made with a good arsenal of weapons site, not leaving nothing to chance.
  • 146 BCE

    Hannibal at the gates of Rome

    Hannibal at the gates of Rome
    After the defeat in the First Punic War, Carthage was forced to pay millions in war reparations Rome. To cope with the payments, he carried out a new overseas expansion by the rich lands of the Iberian Peninsula, full of fertile valleys and populous cities.
    The Carthaginian armies, under the command of Amilcar Barca, occupied southern Hispania, but Amilcar was murdered by an indigenous, and control of the troops passed to his son Hannibal, who was barely 22 years.
  • 146 BCE

    Viriato dominates Hispania

    Viriato dominates Hispania
    Viriato leads an army in which he is formed to put on a special training, called "guerrilla". Viriato is about to kill the Roman Galba, who was previously in charge of eliminating any soldier found by Hispania, which is why Viriato valued him and destroyed all the Romans who got in his way, until he eliminated Galban. So more than a battle it was a revenge for this Roman soldier.
  • 134 BCE

    The siege of numancia

    The siege of numancia
    The Siege of Numancia must encuádralo under the Celtíberas War that took place in Spain between 154 and 133 B.C. A.C. when they completed with the total of the city.
    So when the news of numancia attack was not protected
  • 52 BCE

    The Battle of Gergovia

    The Battle of Gergovia
    This fight is provoked in a hill, where Julius Caesar with his legions through a strategy wants to enter inside the gala wall, to destroy everything and to finish with the Gauls, but this play goes away to him, for which he has the obligation of run away.
  • 52 BCE

    The site of Alesia

    The site of Alesia
    Vercingetorix, after suffering the setback, he determined not to plant scale battle and rally his troops in the fortress of Alesia. Julius Caesar went there with his 10 legions and German cavalry, which offered such good results in the fighting. For its part, the French leader had about 80,000 troops inside the fortress. The difference of forces (the Romans had between 60,000 and 80,000 in total) plus the positional advantage of the Gauls
  • 31 BCE

    Augusto on the Nile

    Augusto on the Nile
    Marco Antonio wanted a fight near the coast, for the troops of Octavio Augusto could not surround, Augusto instead preferred to fight in the open sea, none of them decided to attack the enemy. At the end Marco Antonio was decided to attack in the open sea, and the air was in his favor, but all that was not enough to destroy the boats Octavio, which is why we lost this battle, nothing more nor less, because Augustus made a better strategy than Marco Antonio. This occurred in 31 B.C.
  • 60

    The Boadicea Queen

    The Boadicea Queen
    Boadicea (or Boudica) was born around the year 30, in the land of the Iceni, that belonged to the Celtic culture. The Iceni lived in the ancient region of East Anglia, in the most eastern lands of the island of Great Britain. Its name means "victory", reason why it was destined from the beginning of its life to the power and the triumph.
  • 77

    The conquest of Britain

    The conquest of Britain
    When the Celtic tribes of Britain, commercial allies of the Gauls, established with them a defense alliance against Rome, Julius Caesar was forced to move towards the island.
    Thus he began a conquest that would take over a century to settle and that, in fact, never completed, constituting a province would be a permanent frontier territory.
  • 167

    Marcus Aurelius in Germania

    Marcus Aurelius in Germania
    Is this battle the Emperor Marcus Aurelius is attacked by several Germanic tribes, which attack the cities of Rome, he says make an offensive that is slowly gaining ground and pushing back the Germans, this hard done his time, but I finally achieving them out and have territories to the Danube river.
    With the death of this emperor the most important period that Rome has had throughout its history is over