Historic Energy Events

  • First Steam Engine created

    First Steam Engine created
    Created January 1, 1698 by Thomas Savery who built his machine to help pump water out of coal mines. This machine was so simple that it had no moving parts.
  • Discovering Electricity

    Discovering Electricity
    Electricity was mainly discovered by Ben Franklin in 1752 by using a kite with a key attached to the end of it to prove that lightening and electricity were the same because of the major similarities.
  • Steamboat Transportation

    Steamboat Transportation
    William Symington developed a steamboat for towing barges in Scotland. In 1807, Robert Fulton successfully demonstrated his steamboat by making a run between New York City and Albany on the Hudson River.
  • Creation of the Radiator

    Creation of the Radiator
    Jacob Perkins invents a radiator for use with hot water central heating.
  • A.C Generators

    A.C Generators
    Nikola Tesla develops A.C. (alternate current) generators enabling electricity to be transmitted longer distances.
  • Beginning of U.S. Power Commission

    Beginning of U.S. Power Commission
    Congress creates the U.S. Power Commission to oversee energy production.
  • Municipal Utilities

    Municipal Utilities
    Early 1920's federal legislation made it possible for cities across the U.S. to set up nonprofit electric companies.
  • 20 year oil supply

    20 year oil supply
    U.S. Geological Survey predicts that the United States only has energy oil supply to last 20 years.
  • Atomic Energy

    Atomic Energy
    Scientists use atomic energy to make electricity without boiling water or dynamos.
  • Electric Vehicle Introduction

    Electric Vehicle Introduction
    General Motors Corp. introduces an Electric Vehicle at the Greater LA Auto Show: the Impact (later refined into the sporty EV1, available for lease as of January 1995).