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    National assembly

    The third States proposed a new voting, the king refused and they declared de true representatives of the Nation and formed the National assembly.
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    Costituent assembly

    The king finally agreed to the third estates demands. When the new constituent assembly was going to write a Constitution, protestors began a riot.
    The constituent assembly implemented legal reforms like the declaration of the rights of man and citizen
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    The legislative assembly

    A new legislative assembly was elected, dominantes by 2 groups: girondis and jacobins.
    Loísta xvi oposed to the reforms legislative assembly and asked Austria for support. Then the assembly abolished monarchy and declared france a republic
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    The convention

    Louis xvi was acussed of treason and then executed. European con tríes formed a coalition ad declared war.
    The jacobins took control of the goverment and imposed a dictatorship under the leadership of robespierre
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    Middle class established the directory
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    General napoleon bonaparte esstablished a new form ogf goverment called consulate
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    Approval of the civil code

    Napoleon established the civil code
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    Napoleon became emperor

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    Napoleon starts losing power

    His power began to decline because he had to divinidad his for es beteween two very distant fronts