1993 BCE
Develops, manufactures, licenses and provides software support for personal computers, servers, electronic devices and services -
1981 BCE
Corporation, the world's dominant computer maker, did not enter the new market until 1981, when it introduced the IBM Personal Computer, or IBM PC. The IBM PC was significantly faster than rival machines, had about 10 times their memory capacity, and was backed by IBM's large sales organization -
1973 BCE
Xerox Alto
The Xerox Alto, developed at the Xerox PARC in 1973, was one of the first personal teams in history (although not the first), but it was the first to use the desktop metaphor and a graphical user interface, as well as a mouse. -
1971 BCE
Robert Noyce invetor of the micreoprocessor
Robert Norton Noyce (December 12, 1927 – June 3, 1990), nicknamed "the Mayor of Silicon Valley," was an American physicist who co-founded Fairchild Semiconductor in 1957 and Intel Corporation in 1968. -
1969 BCE
Internet starts. The first network between universities is opened to exchange academic information and lay the foundations of what will end up being the network of networks. Soon the first email would be sent, although until 1991 the first website was not made. -
1946 BCE
El proyecto ENIAC ( Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) se creó en el año 1943 por los estadounidenses John William Mauchly y John Presper Eckert, con el propósito de resolver los problemas de balística del ejército de Estados Unidos; sin embargo no se termino de construir la maquina hasta el 1946. -
Deep Blue vence a Kasparov
Mucho se ha hablado del día en que las máquinas se rebelen contra los humanos, y en 1997 tras varios intentos un equipo de IBM venció en una partida de ajedrez al campeón Gar -
Comienza la era Unix
All civilizations have had their counting of years, the Romans counted from the foundation of Rome, the Chinese since the calendar was invented, the Muslims since the hegira and in computer science it is put on January 1, 1970 as the beginning of the Unix era , from which dates are handled internally on computers. The usefulness of this is that when you start counting on a more recent date the figure is lower and enough memory is saved. -
Apple ii is created
A month later, Wozniak was working on a design for an improved version, the Apple II. They demonstrated a prototype in December, and then introduced it to the public in April 1977. The Apple II started the boom in personal computer sales in the late 1970s, and pushed Apple into the lead among personal computer makers -
indexDesarrollo escribe un artículo sobre las fechas importantes en la informática
We do not know yet if it is going to be one of the important dates in computer science, but perhaps this article makes people take a little more interest in this beautiful field. After all, computer science is nothing more than a way of trying to solve problems, such as carrying out complex calculations, saving large amounts of information or filling out Sunday afternoon when you are single.