• Biography

    my name is juan fernando romero I was born in the year 1993 of the month of April, in the city dorada caldas my famlia is made up of my parents rafael romero ,margarita montañez
  • life story

    I started my studies since I was 4 years old, I studied at gabriela mistral school
  • life story

    My primary was nice. I met many friends that I still talk to you today. I remember them when we played football.
  • life story

    I started high school at the school of El Carmen doing sex for the year that I remember a trip we made to play a soccer championship
  • historia de vida

    In the seventh grade he attends school in the new world. where they expelled me
  • life story

    The eighth and ninth grades I studied in the isnaldo where I began to go out with my friends to take hidden wings
  • life story

    In the 10th and 11th grades I did them also in the isnaldo those two years. I remember many parties with classmates.
  • life story

    I started working at a cybercafe in Medellin, a beautiful city. I also learned to drive on a motorcycle.
  • life story

    rom medellin I went back to the caldas because my family was going to make a trip to Cartagena, where for the first time I knew the sea
  • life story

    After having met the sea, my family set up a butcher shop where I began to earn money.
  • life story

    In ibague I studied systems. A very good experience I learned many things that I could not finish my systems course for personal reasons
  • life story

    I remember that in 2012, thanks to my work, I was able to save to buy my first motorcycle.
  • life story

    My first business was buying merchandise thanks to that job I was able to acquire my second motorcycle.
  • life story

    of my life he does not forget about the colombia team in the brazil world cup that alegrias
  • life story

    I finished my merchandise business because I started working with my father in the purchase and sale of livestock. Thanks to this, I began to take the price and passion to livestock.
  • life story

    I started to get interested in livestock and I learned how to buy and sell livestock
  • life story

    I remember a trip with my parents to ibague where they bought me a battery motorcycle