
  • Period: to

    Wilson’s Presidency term

    Wilson, a Democrat who previously served as the governor of New Jersey, became president after winning the 1912 election, gaining a large majority in the electoral vote and a 42%
  • ww1 timeframe

    ww1 started on july 28 1914 later ending on nov 14 1918
  • lusitania

    the Lusitania was a British ship that had American passengers onboard believed to be sank by the germans
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    Great Migration timeframe

    the movement of six million African Americans out of the rural Southern United States to the urban Northeast, Midwest and West
  • Lenin led a Russian Revolution

    Vladimir Lenin was the most influential political figure in the development of the Russian Revolution
  • First woman in congress

    The first woman in congress was elected in 1917 on April 2nd
  • Selective service act

    An act that required all men starting at the age of 21 to enlist in the army
  • Espionage act

    An act that banned the collection and spread of any national defense information
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    Influenza (flu) epidemic

    An influenza pandemic is an epidemic of an influenza virus that spreads across a large region (either multiple continents or worldwide) and infects a large proportion of the population
  • Wilson’s 14 points

    The Fourteen Points were U.S. President Woodrow Wilson’s post World War I blueprint to end territorial disputes in Europe, promote international commerce, and make the world safe for democracy
  • Sedition Act

    was an Act of the United States Congress that extended the Espionage Act of 1917 to cover a broader range of offenses
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    Schenk vs. US

    a legal case that stated freedom of speech protection afforded in the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment could be restricted if the words spoken or printed represented to society a “ clear and present danger.”
  • US rejects League of Nations membership

    u.s decides to reject the league on nations invitation
  • US Senate rejects Treaty of Versailles

    Senators feared that U.S. involvement in the League of Nations would mean that American troops might be sent into Europe and settle European disputes.
  • the kkk peaks

    the kkk peaks
    At its Peak in the 1920s, the Klan exceeded over 4 million members. Most of law enforcement refused to arrest or do anything about the KKK because either they were part of the KKK or they supported them
  • 19th amendment

    The 19th amendment is Women's suffrage and it allowed all women to vote.
  • betty white

    betty white
    Betty Marion White was born in Oak Park, Illinois, on January 17, 1922
  • mickey mouse is created

    mickey mouse is created
    Mickey Mouse is a cartoon character created in 1928 by Walt Disney and is the mascot of The Walt Disney Company
  • Nintendo established as unlimited partnership

    Nintendo established as unlimited partnership
    The company was established as an unlimited partnership, Yamauchi Nintendo & Co.
  • the twinkie

    the twinkie
    the twinkie was invented by James Dewar