
Histoire Britannique

  • Period: 1509 to 1547

    Reign of Henri VIII

  • Oct 31, 1517

    Critics of the Indulgence by Martin Luther

    Critics of the Indulgence by Martin Luther
    Martin Luther wrote the Ninety-Five Theses. He mailed this critique of the Indulgences to the door of the University of Witterberg
  • 1526

    Tyndale Bible

    Tyndale Bible
    William Tyndale translated the New Testament into English
  • 1532

    Authority Tranfert (1532-1537)

    Authority Tranfert (1532-1537)
    Authority of clerge and the Pope were transfered to the king (Henri VIII)
  • 1534

    Acte of Supremacy (The 1st one by Henri VII)

    Acte of Supremacy (The 1st one by Henri VII)
    He funded the Anglican Church and he become the supreme head of the Church of England
  • 1549

    Book Of Common Prayer under Edward VI

    Book Of Common Prayer under Edward VI
    Publication of the Book of Common Prayer
    (Roman Catholics practices were eradicated , the marriage of clergy was allowed )
  • 1553

    Mary I , The Queen of England (1553-1558)

    Mary I , The Queen of England (1553-1558)
    Restauration of the Catholic Church under Mary I also call Bloody Mary (over 200 protestant were killed )
  • Period: 1553 to 1558

    Reign of Mary I

  • Period: 1558 to

    Reign of Elizabeth I

  • 1559

    The Act Of Supremacy ( the 2nd one by Elizabeth I )

    The Act Of Supremacy ( the 2nd one by Elizabeth I )
    Abolished the Autority Of the Pope , restored the authority of the Queen over the Church , she became "Supreme Governor of the Church of England"
  • 1559

    Act of Uniformity

    Act of Uniformity
    Every parish had to use the Book of Common Prayer , People who did not attend on Anglican service were fined
  • Period: 1563 to 1571

    39 article of faith

    -stated the doctrine of the Church ,
    - 3 important changes : a new ecclesiology, new doctrine of Salvation, new defintion of sacraments and of the mass ,
    -Still in use today
  • Execution of Mary Stuart

    Execution of Mary Stuart
    Mary Stuart was executed in 1587 in Fortheringham Castle because there were many plots against Elizabeth I where Mary Stuart attempt to the Throne of Elizabeth I
  • Union Act

    Union Act
    Union Act between England and Ireland --> it create the United Kingdom of the England and Ireland