
By Masil
  • Roanoke Island Establish English colony in New World.

    Walter Raleigh founded the Island.
  • Period: to


  • Virginia Southern John Smith 1607

    Trade and profits Founded as joint-stock company. House of Burgesses (1619). Only 60 of 1st 900 colonists survived.
  • Good life for the Powhatan.

    Life was good for the powhatan unttil April1607 that is thats when susan constant dicuverd the godspeed land.
  • In 1626 New York was fonded by Peter Minuit because he thought it was a good spot for Trade and profits.

  • Massachusetts Bay New England John Winthrop 1630

    Religious freedom for Puritans Led by John Winthrop. 18,000 settlers by 1642
  • New Hampshire New England John Mason 1630

    Escape for those constricted by religious and economic rules Puritan harshness led these settlers north and inland.
  • In the 1630 a guy named John Winthrop fonded Massachusetts Bay for the religus freedom for the puritens.

  • Maryland Middle George Calvert 1634

    Religious freedom for Catholics Founded by George Calvert. Slow growing (only 600 by 1650. Maryland Toleration Act (1649)
  • Maryland regon Middle founder George Calvert 1634

    Religious freedom for Catholics Founded by George Calvert. Slow growing (only 600 by 1650. Maryland Toleration Act (1649)
  • in 1636 a guy named Thomas Hooker founded Connecticut

  • New Hampshire regon New England founder John Mason 1639

    Escape for those constricted by religious and economic rules Puritan harshness led these settlers north and in land.
  • William Bradford founded Plymouth.

    He fouded Plymouth to have Religious freedom for Separatists.
  • Williamsburg is also the site of the Colege of William and Mary established in 1693.

  • In 1764 the british started taxing the coloniststs and this the colonist thoupht was unfair.

    In 1764 the british started taxing the coloniststs and this the colonist  thoupht was unfair.
  • In 1765 an act caled the "stamp act" began this act was played to pay for the british troops.

    In 1765  an act caled the "stamp act" began this act was played to pay for the british troops.
  • The declaratory act was to resert its power over the amaricen colonists.

    The declaratory act was to resert its power over the amaricen colonists.
  • townshend of 1767 is named for British state man Charles Townshend

    townshend of 1767 is named for British state man Charles Townshend
  • In 1770 the Boston Massacre was a batol agenst the colonists and the British troops and the British troops shot and killed five colonists.

  • Image result for the tea actTea Act of 1773 (13 Geo 3 c 44) was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain

    The principal objective was to reduce the massive surplus of tea held by the financially troubled British East India Company in its London warehouses and to help the struggling company survive.
  • The Coercive Acts are names used to describe a series of laws relating to Britain's colonies in North America, and passed by the British Parliament in 1774. Four of the acts were issued in direct response to the Boston Tea Party of December 1773.

  • then in 1775 the first shots of the Revalutionary war was fired and british and the french were fighting.

    then in 1775 the first shots of the Revalutionary war was fired and british and the french were fighting.
  • The Olive Branch Petition was adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 5, 1775, in a final attempt to avoid a full-on war between the Thirteen Colonies, that the Congress represented, and Great Britain.

  • The Declaration of Independence is the statement adopted by the Second Continental Congress meeting at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 4, 1776, which announced that the thirteen American colonies.

  • The Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War between Great Britain and the United States, recognized American independence and established borders for ...