First Slave Code
The House of Burgesses passed a series of codes and laws regulating slaves. They guaranteed that children of slaves were born slaves, conversion to Christianity could not free them, and slaves had to be taken out of the colony to be freed. Killing a slave was not murder, but any black who struck a white man would be whipped. These rules were passed to command every part of the slaves' lives. -
Whitfield Begins Preaching
Reverend George Whitfield was a Calvinist preacher who traveled across the countryside speaking to large gatherings. His sermons played on the emotions of his audience. He claimed that people must take personal responsibility for one’s relationship with God. He also contended that the current Church served as a barrier separating them and God. Whitefield empowered people to challenge authority and to take their salvation into their own hands. -
The Walking Purchase of 1737
Through negotiation, Native leaders consented to sell the lands that a man could walk in a day and a half (a common measurement used). John and Thomas Penn selected a team of experienced runners to complete the “walk." They traveled from Wrightstown to present-day Jim Thorpe, and officials drew the new boundary perpendicular to the runners’ route (northeast to the Delaware River). Thus measuring out much more than Delaware had originally intended to sell, roughly 1,200 square miles -
Killing of Slaves
In 1740, the debate of killing slaves began anew in the wake of several rebellions. A new law was passed that stated, killing a disobedient slave was not a violation of the law and would be treated as a minor misdemeanor. South Carolina went on to ban the freeing of slaves unless they left the colony. -
Shay's Rebellion
Following the revolution, many veterans fell on hard times. Fellow veteran, Daniel Shay, led the “Shaysites,” in tactics used before the Revolution. They set blockades around courthouses to keep judges from issuing foreclosures. The militia seized more than a thousand Shaysites in January of 1787 and courts resumed. Daniel Shay and others were charged with treason, and many were condemned to death, but ultimately, Shay and the majority of his supporters received pardons. -
Declaration of Independence
While Congress actually decided to declare independence on July 2, 1776, the fourth was chosen as the day to nationally represent the independence of America. July 4th was the approval of the final piece of the declaration. -
The Great Compromise
Roger Sherman proposed a compromise: Congress would have the House of Representatives. Members were selected according to the state’s population. The Senate, where each state had one vote. After months of debate, it was adopted in a somewhat modified form. It became known as, the Great Compromise: every state would have two senators to vote independently, and slaves were counted as three-fifths of a person for tax purposes and representation. -
John Jay Treaty
This treaty demanded Britain to forsake its military positions in the Northwest Territory and reimburse American merchants for damages. In return, America recognized Britain as its most esteemed trade partner, which implied backing Britain in its conflict against France. -
Alien and Sedition Acts
The Alien Act allowed the government to deport any "alien" that was deemed a threat to national security. The Sedition act enabled the government to prosecute anyone found making false or malicious statements against the government.